Judith -detail- hh Foxrivergrove pound stretcher Millet Hebersprings Camera degli Sposi Francisco de Goya Sacrifice to Vesta The Nativity Still Life with a Gilt Goblet Kinmundy Self Portrait with Cigarette jjj The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit New Market Coirnbra Bode Eisenstadt sketch And the Gold of Their Bodies -07- The Blessing Christ Count-Duke of Olivares -df01- Temptations of St Anthony ga Elmonte finishes Oaks and Shadows Herd by the River Sunris,Yosemite Valley Hermitage La Procession de Saint-josse View of Delft -detail- est Madame de Gortzikoff Caen Wheatfield and Row of Trees View of the Church of San Francesco dfg Waterville Nuneham The Brook Our Lady of Mount Carmel af The Days Bag A Ruffed Gruse and Two Bob Matilda Browne The Bitter Draught d